Authored by Brad Czerniak

The Nakasongola District Climate Change Pilot Project documented and shared indigenous knowledge on climate change and contributed to the ongoing debates on how best to mitigate and adapt to climate change in the Nakasongola district in Uganda, while also informing practitioners' understanding of climate change causes, manifestations and effects at local levels. By creating awareness among local landowners and farmers on the value of indigenous tree species adapted to the harsh environment, the project decreased land clearing and persuaded farmers to preserve trees. The goal was for tree cover in the project area to be increased through planting woodlots and trees around households, schools and other institutions. The project also aimed to improve community health and sanitation by promoting rain water harvesting tanks around schools and institutions, enabling clean water access. Afforestation combined with awareness of improved community management of wetlands greatly contributes to environmental conservation, water accessibility and ultimately leads to an improved climate. The lives of women and children are improved, since they carry the responsibilities of water and fuel wood collection, and are most negatively affected by poor sanitation. Improved sanitation among schools and institutions improves the health of children and the youth.
