Information of the African great lakes inform is organized around six themes that capture key concerns that should be considered in the management of the lakes and their basins
Balancing conservation and development
A variety of development activities are being undertaken in the lakes and their basins to meet a range of growing human populations needs. These range from agricultural activities, human settlement expansion, industries, oil exploration and huge infrastructural projects such as dams.
It is important that the likely adverse effects of this development activities on the lake ecosystems are considered and mitigation measures undertaken. Read more...
Climate change impacts, mitigation and adaptation
Climate change is a major challenge of the 21st century that is leading to change of natural resources and processes such as weather patterns, lake levels, and fish yields. Many of the residents of the African great lake region depend on these processes and natural resources for their upkeep. Their livelihoods are put at risk because they lack the ability to adapt and respond in a timely manner to the changes wrought by climate change. This theme focuses on the strategies and efforts being put in place, to predict the effects of climate change, mitigate these changes and help affected communities to adapt in order to better cope with these changes. Read more...
Ecosystem services and biodiversity benefits
Communities living around the African great lakes benefit from the many services made possible by the lakes such as provision of water for domestic and industrial use, hydro electric power generation and fisheries. Over use or unplanned use of these resources may however result in adverse effects such as reduced biodiversity. It is for instance estimated that many cichlid species in the African great lakes have gone extinct while others are threatened with extinction due to factors such as introduction of invasive species and overfishing. This theme focuses on providing researchers and other stakeholders with resources needed to quantify ecosystem services, address challenges that threaten biodiversity and promote sustainable use of lake resources. Read more...
Governance and financing
Governance of African great lakes involves inter alia, creation of appropriate institutions and policies to guide the use of the lakes resources. Due to the fact that these lakes border many countries, both regional, national, nongovernmental and community based institutions are needed. In some cases, such institutions exist but may be handicapped by lack of sufficient funding. This theme addresses the creation and support of such institutions and exchange of ideas with other similar institutions in other regions. Read more...
Population dynamics, health and the environment
Ongoing high population growth rates are leading to additional pressures being exerted on the lake resources. Higher populations will lead to additional pressure in the provision of clean water and sanitation services. If these services lack, the health of the community members is likely to be negatively impacted. It also leads to conversion of additional land to agricultural uses and increasing numbers of people reliant on fishing for their sustenance. This theme focuses on interventions geared towards easing pressures on the lakes resulting from high population growth rates. It considers interventions such as reproductive health services and women empowerment. Read more...
Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture management
Fishing is an important economic activity providing direct employment to hundreds of thousands of people in the African great lakes region. Fish is also an important source of protein for the local population. Fishing resources are however threatened by factors such as overfishing, habitat loss and pollution. This theme focuses on efforts to promote sustainable use of fish resources. Examples of such interventions are cage/pond aquaculture, improved management of fisheries, and consideration of gender equity in access to fisheries. Read more...