NatureUganda in parternship with World Wide Fund for Nature - Eastern and Southern Africa Programme Office (WWF - ESARPO) is coordinating this Education for Sustainable Development - East Africa Programme as part of the Lake Victoria Catchment Environmental Education Project (LVCEEP). The programme is addressing children's rights to education and health with a focus on food security, a healthy environment, clean water and sanitation. It is working with schools using education for sustainable development as a strategy within a whole school approach to ensure that children in the catchment have access to a clean and healthy environment. The programme started its work in 4 countries to include Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda. In Uganda, the rural component of the programme is working along the Katonga River Basin. In the urban areas the programme is working with schools in cities next to Lake Victoria. Mobilizing youth will help to build up the ground for further work.
LVCEEP 's strategy of using whole school approach has worked to strengthen school community links by ensuring that there is knowledge transfer from the schools to the communities. This has helped to strengthen the civil society as most of these communities are in registered community based organizations whereby they have used the skills learned from these trainings to improve on their livelihoods.