The African Great Lakes Information Platform (African Great Lakes Inform) delivers the information needed to support sustainable management of the amazing natural resources of the African Great Lakes region. The site helps users access spatial data; information on past, present and future projects; and all aspects of the adaptive management process, which ensures a more comprehensive, effective and efficient approach to addressing complex conservation issues. Read our story


Introducing a smarter, more comprehensive approach to
monitoring our African Great Lakes resources. 

The African great lakes consist of seven lakes that span countries in East, South and Central Africa. These lakes are lake Victoria, Tanganyika, Malawi, Turkana, Albert, Kivu and Edward in order of size. Put together, the lakes span ten countries which are the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.

Information of the African great lakes inform is organized around six themes that capture key concerns that should be considered in the management of the lakes and their basins.