Authored by jndiba

This project aimed at promoting local community members participation and to kindle their support in conservation and wise use of Mabamba Bay Wetland of international importance through community policing, sustainable resource-based and alternative income-generating activities and an effective information exchange system. The project involvesd an Awareness and Education campaign about the benefits of protecting this Ramsar site; providing skills of alternative income generating opportunities and wise use of the resource: and, developing an ecotourism information center. 

The project led to the protection of the globally threatened Shoebill (Blaeniceps rex), approximately 38% of the global population of the Blue swallow (Hirundo atrocaerulea), and the globally threatened Papyrus Yellow Warbler plus other birds of global conservation concern. The project also ensures protection of rare plant species like Scadoxus species and lay a foundation for future conservation programs for this newly designated Ramsar site.

Funding Amount